Saturday 16 July 2016


When I gave up sugar, I immediately began looking for sugar-free dessert recipes, and after I read Wheat Belly yesterday, I started looking for einkorn. As a matter of fact, I have cut my wheat intake to almost zero (buckwheat pasta still counts as wheat), but reading something advising me not to eat wheat made me feel very nostalgic for bread. Besides, B.A. is still eating white flour this and white flour that, durham pasta here, shop-bought cake there, white powdery death everywhere. It occurs to me that I ought to bake him things made from einkorn.

Einkorn is one of the wheats our ancestors ate before scientists altered wheat in the 20th century for more yield and easier harvesting.  Having been quite awed by Wheat Belly, I am determined to see if I can make good bread, cookies, scones and waffles with einkorn.

Yes, I do jump on nutritional bandwagons. When the low-fat diet was the in-thing, you bet I was on a low-fat diet. It worked for years, but that may be because I was teetering on the edge of an exercise addiction. As I have grown very bored with gyms, I am happy that the current diet advice is less about long bouts of cardio and more about not eating too much and too often.  I enjoy eating and baking with nuts, so I am delighted  Wheat Belly  gives permission to eat as many raw nuts as we like, which is quite a departure from the cautious "only a small handful a day" strictures I have read for the past seven years or so.

Now that I think about it, I know a German grass expert, so I should write to her and ask about the kind of wheat we were eating in Canada (or in the UK) before the First World War. I thought it was einkorn, but Wikipedia says it isn't good for bread. Meanwhile, these people seem to know more about einkorn  than Wiki does. (Update: Oh, excitement!)

By the way, I bought a new dress (on sale) on glorious George Street to celebrate the success of my sugar-free diet. Here it is:


  1. GORGEOUS dress!!

    I've always thought that balance and moderation were key to weight control, but I'm average height and haven't had tooooooo much trouble with my weight, so I don't know what works for everyone. That said, the cycles of dietary advice (like from no fat/high carb to low carb/high protein, or "never eat eggs or you'll die a miserable high cholesterol death" to "eggs are a superfood; eat regularly!") kind of amuse me. I haven't jumped on the sugar-free train (though I'm glad it's worked for you) and will be interested to see where it goes.

    But my great-grandmother DID used to say, "The whiter your bread, the sooner you're dead!" Apparently she knew something...

  2. Balance and moderation ARE are key to weight control--the argument is that sugar and wheat make you hungrier and eat more than your body needs (or actually wants, really).

    I like your great-grandmother's maxim. Presumably she was pro-roughage as flour couldn't have been that bad in her day (that said, if her day included any time 1960, it was).

  3. Apparently your great-grandmother's proverb first emerged in 1924.

  4. I'd probably have more in my notes from a course I took several years ago, but this link goes over some of the historical strains in Canada.
    Wheat 'breeding' programs have been on-going for quite some time. Red Fife and more importantly Marquis have had significant effect on Canadians being able to grow wheat in this country's climate. And to think those poor Jesuit missionaries in New France tried so hard to grow wheat just so they could make a few hosts.

    1. Thank you! It is hard to imagine a Canada without wheat fields!
